High School Senior Portrait Sessions on Chicago's North Shore: Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve and Beach

As a mom on Chicago's North Shore, you're likely familiar with the excitement (and occasional reluctance) that comes with senior portrait sessions for your high school guy. It's often a delicate balance between capturing cherished memories and ensuring your son feels comfortable and engaged throughout the process.

Understanding the Balance

Let's be real – not every guy jumps for joy at the idea of a photoshoot. That's where your role as the driving force behind this milestone comes in. When planning a session, it's crucial to strike a balance between creating a variety of images that you'll treasure for years and ensuring your son feels at ease and interested.

Choosing the Right Locations

One key aspect is selecting locations that resonate with your son's interests and personality. For example, if he's a beach enthusiast who loves the water, the Fort Sheridan forest preserve and beach could be an excellent choice. Its rugged landscape provides a masculine backdrop that complements a high school senior guy's vibe.

Showcasing His Style and Interests

Another strategy is incorporating clothing choices that reflect his style and passions. This could mean outfits that showcase his school team spirit or even a sweatshirt from the college he plans to attend, adding a personal touch to the photoshoot.

While senior portrait sessions may initially be met with varying levels of enthusiasm, thoughtful planning that considers your son's interests and comfort can result in cherished memories and stunning photos you'll both love.

Considering a portrait session for your high school senior?

Check out some shots from this recent high school senior portrait session at Fort Sheridan Forest Preserve and Beach.


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