Capture Halloween Images Of Your Tweens And Teens!

The day of halloween can be crazy with activities, so I always try and grab photos of my kids during the days leading up to Halloween. There are plenty of opportunities to do this!
Kids love to “try on “ their costumes, your family will most likely attend village parties and halloween school events - all of which the kids will be dressed in costume.

My girls are getting older and have hit the teen/tween years. There is a lot of thought and preparation that goes into the costumes these days. They are especially motivated to capture the yearly milestone with pictures so their costume will be remembered.

So when my daughter was doing a practice run of applying her costume makeup, I grabbed her for a short (5minute) photo shoot. It helped that we had some sweet light filtering in through the trees next to the house.

I had her walk, dance, jump and strike some silly poses. When they are in costume they tend to get in “character” and the energy and goofiness really comes out.

If you decide to do this with your kiddos, grab full body shots, 3/4 length shots as well as close up headshots. This will make for great variety in the gallery of photos.

Once you have your favorites, play with filters on your phone or through an editing app to give the color and feel of Halloween!

photo shoot of teen halloween clown costume

Want some more ideas for documenting your kids during Halloween?


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